L. Edward Hazelbaker is a writer and editor living in Oklahoma with his wife Melveta (Melveta Hardy), whom he married in 1971. They have three married children who also live in Oklahoma.
Their daughter Charissa is married to Michael Brown, and they live in Edmond, Oklahoma. They have two children, son Austin and daughter Taylor. Charissa is a pre-kindergarten teacher at Oklahoma Christian School in Edmond, and Michael is the Dean of Fine Arts and Director of Bands at Crossings Christian School in Oklahoma City.
The Hazelbakers' oldest son, Lynn Hazelbaker, Jr., is married to Crystal (Crystal Bellah). They have two children, son Haden and daughter Bella. Lynn and his brother, Josh, operate a landscaping and lawn care business together. Crystal is a registered nurse.
Youngest son Joshua Hazelbaker is married to Adrienne (Adrienne Thacker). They have two children, daughter Adalynn, and son Jesse.
Local Church Involvement
Over the last forty-four years, L. Edward Hazelbaker has served the Church in a number of capacities including associate pastor, Bible teacher, writer, and worship leader. Hazelbaker is also a musician, and one of his greatest joys today apart from writing is playing bass guitar in the worship band at Spring Creek Assembly of God in Edmond, Oklahoma.
L. Edward's Contact Information
Browse to The Worn Keyboard's Contact Page: Contact Us
Writing and Editing Projects
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God Cares Enough: The Message of Jonah
GOD'S INFINITE CARE REVEALED! The Creator is just as real and active today as in the beginning. He’s watching. He sees it all. He sees those who need a Savior, and He cares. He sees our challenges, and He cares. He cares about YOU! God knows what’s going on, and He cares enough to get involved. But do you realize the magnitude of His care? He wants you to know! For those who think God doesn’t care, they’re wrong. See how that’s revealed in the book of Jonah.
Boot Camp for Christian Writers: A Handbook for Writers and Editors
As a published author, experienced editor, and literary agent, L. Edward Hazelbaker has been helping Christian writers develop their books, hone their skills, and improve their writing for many years. This book is the expression of his desire to help more writers than he can assist one on one. Boot Camp for Christian Writers is designed to encourage, equip, and educate. If you’re joining or already a member of God’s army of great-commission writers, it’s time to enter Boot Camp, where you’ll be inspired and challenged to be all you can be when answering God’s call to write.
Weekly Cogs: Christian Thoughts and Cogitations
Weekly Cogs is designed to provide readers a unique weekly devotional to supplement their normal daily devotional schedule, but it is also suitable for reading at whatever pace the reader desires. The book consists of 52 individual articles written on many thought-provoking topics. The author begins his book with a delightful three-page poetic passage he calls "A Poetic Gog." Following that—and immediately before the first of the 52 "cogs" (articles) that make up the body of the book—is an Introduction in which Hazelbaker explains the significance of the title chosen for the book and encourages the reader to actively consider the importance of our thoughts. This book is intentionally written in a comfortable and relaxed style but encourages serious discipleship and thoughtful considerations of the impact of contemporary Christian issues.
The Pilgrim's Progress in Modern English
L. Edward Hazelbaker's first published work was The Pilgrim's Progress in Modern English. An allegory about the Christian pilgrimage, or journey through life, from this world to heaven, The Pilgrim's Progress was written By John Bunyan during his imprisonment for preaching the gospel without the permission of the Church of England. It was originally published in 1678. Hazelbaker spent five years carefully translating/updating the seventeenth century text of Bunyan's original work and completely annotating and indexing the book. The Pilgrim's Progress in Modern English was published by Bridge-Logos Publishers and has been one of their best selling books every year since it was published in 1998.
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners
Continuing his work of updating classic Christian literature, Hazelbaker's next work to be published was Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, also written by John Bunyan. Grace Abounding is John Bunyan's autobiography in which he relates his struggle with conviction, his salvation, his call to the ministry, and his years of persecution and imprisonment for preaching the gospel and leading others in the Christian faith. Grace Abounding presented in modern English was also published by Bridge-Logos Publishers.
The third book in Hazelbaker's series of updated John Bunyan classics is The Holy War, also presented in modern English. The Holy War is another longer allegory written by Bunyan in the spirit of The Pilgrims Progress. In it Bunyan tells the story of the fall of the town of Mansoul, whose builder was Shaddai; the actions of Shaddai as he goes to war to win back to himself what rightfully belongs to him; and the acts of Diabolus as he and his forces do everything they can to thwart all attempts to restore Mansoul's relationship with Shaddai. This book is another in the series of Pure Gold Classics published by Bridge-Logos Publishers.
Approaching Judgment: The Path to Armageddon
The author of Approaching Judgment was David A. Womack, former pastor, evangelist, missionary, and publishing house administrator. After leaving his position as a publishing house administrator in 1997, David A. Womack started a publishing agency to help other writers get their works published. The first book he represented was Hazelbaker's The Pilgrim's Progress in Modern English. Womack passed away in 2009 shortly after completing his manuscript for Approaching Judgment: The Path to Armageddon. After his passing, L. Edward Hazelbaker agreed to perform final editing on David A. Womack's last work before presenting it for consideration to a publisher. Hazelbaker then acted on the author's behalf (and that of his family) to work with the publisher's copyeditor and typesetter throughout the publishing process. Approaching Judgment is a fresh and thorough examination of what John the Apostle actually said in the book of Revelation.