Deborah Rae Stricklin is an author, Bible teacher, professional certified life coach, founder/president of Deborah Stricklin Ministries, college instructor, and ordained minister with the Assemblies of God.
Deborah has written several books, and among those books, L. Edward Hazelbaker served as Editor on the books listed on this page. Among Deborah Stricklin's ministry efforts she maintains three ministries in Pakistan. One is a weekly teaching ministry via Skype in a School of Ministry to train both men and women in Christian ministry. A second ministry established by Deborah is the DSM Sewing Training Center, founded in 2019. The goal of the training center is to teach women to sew in order to earn money for their families. In March 2020 Deborah joined a local pastor in Pakistan to open St. John’s School, which now provides accessible Christian schooling to the young children of their village.
Deborah Stricklin's home base is in the state of Tennessee, where in addition to her other ministries she remains deeply involved in the ministries of her church. Deborah and her husband, Jeff, have served in their home church, Cornerstone Nashville, for over twenty-five years.
Deborah's Contact Information
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Writing Projects
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Joy in Surrender: Living a Life Surrendered to God
We often try to avoid the painful trials in life. After all, we would prefer to live our Christian lives from victorious moment to victorious moment. But the apostle Peter has challenged us to look at our trials differently: ''Instead, be very glad-for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world'' (1 Peter 4:13, NLT). As we embrace our partnership in Christ's suffering and fully surrender our lives to His purposes, this wonderful joy in Christ is ours!
Deborah Stricklin passionately puts her heart into whatever is before her. Her work in authoring this book is no exception. As I read Joy in Surrender, my first thought was, “I cannot wait to put this book in the hands of every person on the World Missions Ministries Council, the leadership of WMM, and each and every missionary in our fellowship.”
—Barbara A. Carter, MD, Member, World Missions Ministries Council,
International Pentecostal Holiness Church
Trophies of His Grace: Capture the Goodness and Glory of the Grace of God
Each of us is called to be a trophy of God's grace—in the way we live, in the way we love others, and in the way we follow God. Our lives serve as a testament to who He is and what He has done.
As Deborah walks you through key passages from both the Old and New Testaments, be ready to receive one of God’s best blessings—a greater understanding and experience of His grace. Deborah has received God’s grace into her own life. And in Trophies of His Grace, she has captured the goodness and glory of the grace of God working in the lives of others—lives of ordinary people—and transforming them into God’s own trophies. God’s trophy case has room for you.
—David Guzik, Author of Enduring Word Bible Commentary, Teaching Pastor, Calvary Chapel, Santa Barbara, California
Learn more about Deborah Stricklin and her work at