Author: Donna Sparks
Publisher: Bridge Logos
Published: 2018
Paperback: 187 pages
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SPECIAL: You may purchase a signed copy of this book through Donna Sparks' Web site at
With an intense desire to see the lost come to Christ, Donna Sparks boldly shares the unchanging truth of God's Word and often tells how God rescued her from a destructive past. She engages others by sharing how God has proven himself faithful to her, and she encourages people to believe that God will do the same for them.
In this book Donna Sparks uses her experiences to illustrate how God brought beauty from her failures, tragedies, and disappointments. In Beauty from Ashes, Donna speaks honestly and powerfully of how God reached down in His mercy to rescue her from a life of rebellion and self destruction. And she reveals how she was taught by the Holy Spirit and led into ministry.
God intends our lives to be beautiful and fruitful. But decisions we make, or decisions made by others, can turn a thing of beauty into an ash heap. In this book Donna Sparks encourages its readers to allow God to exchange the ashes that are in their lives for the beauty that God has in store for them.
Chapters include:
Life Without Christ • The Art of Surrender • Answering the Call • Jealousy • Forgiveness • Waiting • Hearing from God • The Valley of Doubt • Holy Spirit Power • and more.
What Others are Saying
The words Donna Sparks uses in this book can connect to both men and women. This is a great testimony of how God can work and be glorified in a believer's life and ministry.
—Dr. Wayne Horton, Founder/Executive Director, Hope for Your Day Ministries, Claremore, Oklahoma
There are not many who can use the art of story to unearth truth as profoundly as this book's author has done. It was like discovering treasure as I opened every chapter and considered the wisdom recorded on each page.
—Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, Co-host of The 700 Club Canada
Beauty from Ashes, by Donna Sparks, testifies of God's grace. But that is not all. It also bears witness to what God can accomplish through those who allow themselves to be molded by the hands of the Divine Potter.
—L. Edward Hazelbaker, author, and editor of all three books in the Bridge-Logos John Bunyan collection of Pure Gold Classics.