A Journey to Ministry: Discover Your Calling, Purpose, and Ministry


Author: Jamie Morgan

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Published: 2018

Paperback: 186 pages

This book is available on Amazon.com, BarnesAndNoble.com, BooksaMillion.com, and other outlets.


Are You Walking in Your Calling? Through Jamie Morgan’s journey to ministry you will discover yours. Jamie demonstrates God will blast through any obstacle that gets in the way of answering God’s call on your life. Allow Jamie's story to inspire you to step out in faith to do whatever God leads. In this interactive book you will actively pursue your own calling and discover:

• Signposts to help reveal your calling
• How to articulate and defend your calling
• Encouragement to take the first steps
• How to recover from setbacks and disappointments
• The seven prayers that will change your life
• Recognizing ministry seasons and reasons
• Stewarding your God-given platform
• The importance of a godly mentor

About the Author

Jamie Morgan is an ordained minister of the Assemblies of God and lead pastor of Life Church in Williamstown, New Jersey. She obtained her master of arts degree in practical theology from Oral Roberts University and is currently pursuing a doctor of ministry degree from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. She is also a graduate of Dr. Mark Rutland’s National Institute of Christian Leadership, a member of America’s National Prayer Committee, and serves on the five-person Assemblies of God Prayer Committee. Pastor Jamie Morgan is the author of The Life House of Prayer and the History of 24/7 Prayer and has also been published in Charisma News, The Christian Post, Fox News, Discipleship Journal, The Upper Room, the Pentecostal Evangel, and other publications around the world. She is host of the television show, Heal My Hurt.
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